Children’s Outreach

Children’s Outreach/Social Action

An important component of our religion involves teaching our children the importance of helping others less fortunate. Accordingly, our parish provides numerous service opportunities for our children.

If you are interested in participating in any of the below outreach programs, please contact the Religious Education Office at (914) 472-5594 (or

Bake Sales
Throughout the year, our Religious Education students hold bake sales after Masses and donate the proceeds to various charitable organizations such as Sharing Shelf’s Teen Boutique (an organization that provides clothing to disadvantaged teens), Lifting Up Westchester (an organization that supports the needy), the New York Foundling (an organization that supports persons with developmental disabilities), HOPE Community Center (an organization that provides food and personal items to the homeless), and the Westchester County Department of Corrections.

Brown Bag Lunch
Our Religious Education students provide and prepare bagged lunches, including sandwiches, fruit and juice, and help distribute them to the needy men and women at the HOPE Community Center in New Rochelle. 

Christmas Outreach

  • Adopt a Family
    Please click here for a description of the Adopt a Family Christmas outreach program. 
  • Angel Giving Tree
    Please click here for a description of the Angel Giving Tree outreach program. 

Lenten Food Drive
Please click here for a description of our Lenten Food Drive social outreach program.

Operation Cupid
Each February, our Religious Education students in grades 1 through 4 send care packages to support our soldiers overseas through United for the Troops. The care packages contain thank you cards, food and goods the military does not provide. 

Operation Rice Bowl
During Lent, Operation Rice Bowl invites our children to save their pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters to provide assistance to those in need. 

Sharing Our Gifts to Seniors
This ministry brings children and the elderly in our parish together. Our children visit the elderly to play music, read or just provide a social connection.