Grade 5

Religious Education Program Curriculum

Theme: Through the Sacraments the Church celebrates Christ’s saving action in our lives.

Objective: To help the children experience and understand the rites of the Sacraments, and so become more conscious and active participants in the Church’s sacramental life.

Profession of Faith: Review the Apostles’ Creed

Words to be taught:







Original Sin

Paschal Mystery

SacramentSacrament of Confirmation

Sacrament of Holy Orders

Sacrament of Matrimony


Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick




Liturgical Symbols and Gestures to be taught:

  • Give Sacred Scripture a special place in the classroom.
  • Encourage a reverent and prayerful attitude in the place of worship.
  • Foster the children’s participation in the prayer and worship of the parish community, in particular in the rites of the Sacraments

Prayers to be taught: Gloria, Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary

Prayer to be encouraged: Act of Love

Review Prayers taught in previous Grades:
Sign of the Cross Simple responses at Mass Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
Our Father Morning and Evening Prayers Act of Faith
Hail Mary Grace at Meals Stations of the Cross
Glory to the Father Spontaneous Prayer Sanctus
Act of Contrition Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament