Click here for a full calendar of events on our main website.
Catechetical Sunday/: On one Sunday in September all parents and children are invited to help us celebrate the beginning of our new year at the 10:30 a.m. Family Mass when our Catechists are commissioned to teach our children about their faith. Immediately following Mass, everyone is invited for a reception to meet the teachers.
Class Masses: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th grades have the opportunity to plan and be involved in an individual class Mass during one class session. The students are responsible for readings, petitions, and songs sung during the Mass. Our Priests use this Mass as a learning experience and allow the students to ask questions about the Mass during the celebration. This is a very unique and personal experience for the students.
8th grade students have a very special Mass on the day of the Confirmation Retreat.
Reconciliation: Twice during the year the students in Grades 3-8 have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation- before Christmas & before Easter. All students are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to receive the grace that this very special Sacrament gives
Food Pantry: There is a drop off box in the hall across from the Religious Education Office for ongoing food donations. All are invited to donate food throughout the year. Boxes of Cereal, pasta, canned vegetables & meats, Rice, Instant potatoes, etc., are always welcome.
Thanksgiving Collection: We ask each class to bring in certain canned and dry items and grocery store gift cards. Frozen turkeys can be brought the Sunday we pack-up and deliver.
Christmas Pageant: The students of St. Pius X host a very special Christmas Pageant given to the Parish at one Sunday during the month of December.
Christmas Caroling: Students are encouraged to spread the cheer at one of the retired Nuns nursing Home during December the Religious Education PTA coordinates this event.
Operation Rice Bowl: During Lent all students receive a “rice bowl” and asked to do a good deed and say a prayer and make a small donating into their rice bowl for the poor and hungry in other countries. Lent is a time of Giving, Fasting, and Praying. Donations go to the Catholic Relief Services.
Washing of the Feet for Children: 5th & 6th grade students are encouraged to volunteer to be Jesus apostles and attend the re-enactment of Jesus Washing of the feet on Holy Thursday.
Palm Sunday Procession: The 1st grade leads the Palm Sunday Procession of children and performs very special song at the end of Mass.
Easter egg Hunt: One week before Easter the 3rd & 4th Grade students fill “Easter Eggs” with candy and goodies. The Easter Egg Hunt is well attended on Easter Sunday after the 10:30 Family Mass.
Baby Shower: In conjunction with the Adult Outreach committee we hold a baby shower during the month of May to help one of the pregnancy care centers in the area.
Bake Sales: 7th & 8th grade students hold bake sales one Sunday in December & February to raise funds for their chosen charity.