Grade 6

Religious Education Program Curriculum

Theme: God’s saving actions are found throughout history. The Bible, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records God’s plan of salvation.

Objective: To understand the Old Testament as the revelation of God in the history of a people, a revelation fulfilled in the New Testament.

Profession of Faith: Review the Apostles’ Creed

Words to be taught:

Bible Inspiration Passover
Canticle Lector Prophet
Chosen People Manna Psalm
Community Magnificat Revelation
Exodus Paschal mystery Worship

Liturgical Symbols and Gestures to be taught:

  • Give Sacred Scripture a special place in the classroom.
  • Encourage a reverent and prayerful attitude in the place of worship.
  • Foster the children’s participation in the prayer and worship of the parish community.

Prayers to be taught: Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

Prayer to be encouraged: Act of Hope

Review Prayers taught in previous Grades:
Sign of the Cross Grace at Meals
Our Father Spontaneous Prayer
Hail Mary Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament
Glory to the Father Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
Act of Contrition Act of Faith and Love
Simple responses at Mass Stations of the Cross
Morning and Evening Prayer Sanctus