Religious Education Program Curriculum
Part I. Human Person – Journeying Toward Maturity
Theme: The growth and change experienced during adolescence are part of the unfolding of God’s plan for our development as fully Christian persons.
- To develop in the young adolescent a sense of self-worth and self-respect nurtured and strengthened by a knowledge of God’s love.
- To acquaint the young adolescent with an understanding of the virtues necessary for a life of goodness and faith.
Part II. Jesus and the Gospel Message – Journeying as a Disciple of Jesus
Theme: The Gospels reveal Jesus as the Savior and Risen Lord who calls us to advance the Kingdom of God through discipleship.
- To broaden the young adolescent’s understanding of the Gospels through a study of their formation, themes, message, and literary aspects.
- To help the young adolescent grow in a personal relationship with Jesus by encountering Him in the Gospels and learning to live His message.
Part III. Sacraments – Nourishment for the Journey
Theme: The mystery of Christ continues in the Church through the Sacraments which are visible signs of the love and saving action of Jesus.
- To help the young adolescent understand, appreciate, and celebrate the continuing presence and saving action of Jesus in the Church.
- To lead the young adolescent to a full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church.
Part IV. Human Sexuality – Journeying toward Wholeness
Theme: Sexuality is a gift from God. It embraces psychological, spiritual and physical characteristics of men and women. We human beings need to integrate our sexuality into our total personality in order to develop into the persons God has called us to be.
- To help the young adolescent appreciate the gift of sexuality.
- To assist the young adolescent in developing correct and positive attitudes concerning sexuality.
- To clarify for the young adolescent how the gift of sexuality can be misused.