Important Information Regarding Protocols

Traffic Pattern
Please enter the parking lot from Mamaroneck Road and leave by way of Secor Road in front of the Rectory. Each parent/guardian of a child in grades 1 through 4 should park his/her car in a parking space (not handicapped or fire lane spaces) and walk to and from the main entrance of the school building with his/her child. Do not drive in front of the school entrance. Drive slowly as children often run out into the parking lot. Please be mindful and courteous to other drivers.

Arrival and Departure Protocols

Parents of a child in grades 1 and 2 should walk their child to his/her classroom using the main entrance of the school ONLY. Children from grades 3 through 8 should remain in the school lobby until the Catechist arrives to escort them to their classroom.  Students should not be in the classroom unless the Catechist is in the classroom.

Parents/guardians may come into the school building 10 minutes before dismissal time and wait in the Lobby except parents/guardians of children in grades 1 and 2 may go to the classroom at 5:00 pm and wait outside the door for dismissal.

Early Departure
If a child must leave class early, a note should be sent to the teacher and Religious Education Office. The adult who will be picking up the child early should call the office upon arrival so that someone from the office can let him/her into the school building and escort him/her to the office or to the classroom to sign the child out. No child will be permitted to leave the classroom on his/her own.

Additional Information

  • Please drive carefully and slowly.
  • No child should be on the playground before or after class without adult supervision. The playground is closed at dusk or if it is raining.
  • No food may be brought into the classroom. Children may bring their own snack and finish it in the school lobby.
  • For special occasions, the Parish Hall will be used for food consumption.
  • For the comfort and safety of all, we kindly ask that pets not be brought inside the building.
  • Consistent attendance is expected.  If a student has three (3) or more absences, a conference with the parents will be required.  Confirmation preparation begins at Baptism and continues throughout the years preceding this sacrament.
  • For everyone’s safety, the main school entrance will be the only means to enter and leave the school building for drop off and pick up.  The doors will be open 15 minutes before class begins and will be locked 15 minutes after class begins until 10 minutes prior to the end of class. Adults and children may not use side or back doors at any time other than in emergency situations.
  • No cellphone usage, text messaging or other electronic devices will be allowed in the classroom or at any Religious Education Program activity.  Cellphones may be used in the school lobby to communicate with parents or guardians ONLY, NOT for social calls, and as permitted by Catechists at off-site Religious Education Program activities. Cellphones and other electronic devices may be confiscated if these rules are violated.  Parents may be required to retrieve them.