Role of the Parent
The parent has the primary and sacred responsibility to educate his/her child in the faith. The St. Pius X Religious Education Program is designed to assist you in providing your child with quality religious education and the formation of Christian character in our Catholic faith. Please take an active interest in the lessons and projects your child brings home, and engage him/her in conversations about his/her experiences in class.
Students learn in their religious education class that celebrating the Eucharist on Sunday and Holy Days as a community is essential to being Catholic. Parents should attend Sunday and Holy Day liturgies with their child to set a good example.
Volunteers play a crucial role in the success of our Religious Education program. Please consider contributing your time and talents to serve as a teacher, aide, hall monitor, and/or activity coordinator. Kindly contact our office for more information on how you can get involved.
Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from St. Pius X for Religious Education classes unless a student has permission to walk from his/her home or Scarsdale Middle School.
Role of the Student
- Weekly attendance at Religious Education classes
- Proper preparation for class instruction including completed homework
- Textbook and folder brought to class each week
- Participation in class discussion and activities
- Satisfactory completion of special assignments
We encourage students to do their very best work. Just getting by is not a worthwhile goal.
Each week, all students must bring to class his/her textbook, completed homework and folder. Homework will be assigned and tests will be given periodically. Please be sure your child completes all assignments. A passing grade will be based upon his/her class and homework assignments, attendance and participation. Progress reports will be issued in January and May.
If your child will be absent from class, please call the Religious Education Office. Your child is expected to make up missed work at home. Three (3) absences are allowed from September through May. Excessive absences may result in a child having to repeat the grade. The Religious Education Director will determine the course of action.
Each child should be on his/her best behavior, respectful and courteous to adults and other students. If there are repeated difficulties with behavior, parents will be notified.
Here are some basic rules:
- Be on time for class.
- Raise your hand before speaking and do not talk or interrupt when someone is speaking.
- Show respect for property.
- Use appropriate language.
- Walk, don’t run.
- Keep hands to yourself.
- Go to the bathroom before class begins.
- Finish eating and drinking before entering the classroom.
- Cell phones must be turned off during class.
When coming to St. Pius X, students should dress appropriately.