Students are made more aware of their responsibility to live a Christian life as maturing young adults with particular focus on the role of the sacraments in the life of a Christian.
In addition to regular Mass attendance, special Masses for Confirmation candidates provide opportunities for the students to engage more actively in the celebration. A Commitment Mass is the formal beginning of the candidate’s program. Other liturgical or para-liturgical events include prayer and penance services, adoration, and a retreat experience.
Eighth grade students must complete the required community service projects outlined in the Service Program Booklets handed out in class.
Role of the Parents/Guardians in the Preparation for Confirmation
As the primary educators of your child, you, along with your child’s sponsor, should be intimately involved in his/her preparation for Confirmation. You should serve as models for your child by being committed Christians, and by nurturing your child in the Catholic faith. Every parent/guardian should:
- assist his/her child with the immediate preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, through prayer, study and Christian service;
- go to Mass regularly;
- attend special Masses that are planned to help your son/daughter prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation;
- encourage your child to reflect on and thoughtfully consider the decision to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation;
- help your child understand that the Confirmation service projects are the beginning of a life committed to Christian service; and
- stress the initiation aspect of the Sacrament by encouraging your child to continue learning more about his/her faith after he/she makes Confirmation.
- Successfully complete the 7th grade
- Attend Sunday Masses and ensure that his/her Mass attendance booklet is signed by a priest
- Participate in the Commitment Mass
- Attend our Confirmation Retreat
- Hand in the following items by January:
1. Sponsor Certificate
2. Confirmation Name
3. Information Sheet
4. Service review sheet
5. Letter to the Bishop - Complete the 8th Grade Service Program
- Successfully pass the final exam
- Interview with the Pastor
- Participate in Confirmation Rehearsals