Family/Children’s Activities


Family/Children’s Activities


The Church of St. Pius X strives to include children in parish activities through fun events that enrich their spiritual lives and learning experiences.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with any of these activities or if you would like more information, please contact the Religious Education office at 914-472-5594  (or or click here.

Brunch with Santa
Brunch with Santa is a special event held one Sunday in December where families gather for a light brunch, activities and a visit from Santa Claus. The children enjoy face painting, arts and crafts as well as other events and raffle prizes. All children have an opportunity to meet Santa personally and receive a photo with Santa.

Children’s Choir
Children in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade meet with our Children’s Choir Director, James Walton, to rehearse weekly on Tuesdays from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm and sing during the 10:30 am Family Mass on select Sundays throughout the school year.

Christmas Pageant
The Christmas Pageant performed one Sunday after Mass in December allows children to participate in and visualize the story of Jesus’ birth with other children in the parish.

Christmas Caroling
Parishioners gather before Mass one Saturday in December to listen to the St. Pius X Festival Choir.

Christmas Tree Lighting
Parishioners gather one evening in December to light the Christmas tree in St. Francis Circle, sing Christmas carols and enjoy hot chocolate.

Concerts @SPX
Our parish hosts concerts and organ recitals for our parishioners, their friends and community members. For more information, please contact our Director of Music Ministries at

Easter Egg Hunt
On Easter Sunday after the 10:30 am Family Mass, the children meet the Easter Bunny and hunt for eggs filled with candies.

Family Picnic
Each year in September, parishioners join together on the church playground and St. Francis Circle for food, drinks, ice cream and fun.

Lunar New Year
Each year in February, parishioners gather to celebrate Spring with Asian foods, music and dancing.

Multicultural Pentecost Potluck Luncheon
Each year on Pentecost Sunday, our parish celebrates our cultural diversity with multi-cultural Masses followed by a luncheon in which parishioners share international foods.

Sharing Our Gifts to Seniors
Children visit elderly parishioners to play music, read or just provide a social connection.

Trunk or Treat
Each year after the 10:30 am Sunday Family Mass just before Halloween, parishioners decorate their trunk/car and hand out candy to our younger parishioners.