General Information

General Information

Parishioner Membership
The Church of St. Pius X invites all persons to become active participants in every aspect of our Parish life. We welcome all persons to join our Parish community by becoming registered parishioners. Any person interested in becoming a registered parishioner should contact the Parish Office at 914-725-2755.

Mass Intentions
Each Mass intention offering is $20.

In order to reserve Masses at the Church of St. Pius X, please click on, or call the parish office at (914) 725-2755. Mass cards are available in the Parish Office during regular office hours.

For more information on Mass Intentions, please click here.

Funerals/Rite of Christian Burial
The loss of a loved one is a difficult time. The pastor, the staff and the parishioners of the Church of Saint Pius X offer our prayerful support and are here to help you and your family in any way possible as you attempt to find God’s loving presence even in the midst of suffering.

Please contact the Parish office at 914-725-2755 to speak with a priest.

Please click on the links below for information to assist you in planning a Funeral Liturgy and celebrating the Rites of Christian Burial, including selections for readings, songs and family member participation in the Mass.

Book of Remembrance
A Book of Remembrance is located in the Narthex near the main entrance to the church. Each parishioner is welcome to inscribe the names of loved ones who are ill or deceased and/or a special intention. These loved ones/special intentions are remembered in prayer each day.

Parishioners should call the Parish Office at 914-725-2755 to arrange for prayer, anointing, communion and/or visitation if a loved one is hospitalized or homebound. If you or a loved one will be having a planned medical procedure and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Office to arrange it.

Sacramental Certificates
If you need a copy of your Baptismal, First Communion, Confirmation or Marriage Certificate, please contact the Parish Office at 914-725-2755 (or email If emailing your request, please provide your full name at the time you received the Sacrament in our Parish, the approximate date, your phone number, and state whether you will pick up the certificate or would like it mailed to you (in which case you should include your current address). For Baptismal records, please provide your parents’ names, including your mother’s maiden name. For Marriage Certificates, please provide the full names of both spouses. A donation to the Church is appreciated when requesting a certificate to help defray the costs of maintaining the Parish.

Click here for the Sacrament Request Form