



“He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives
favor from the LORD.”
(Proverbs 18:22)

In the Sacrament of Marriage, a man and a woman enter into a matrimonial covenant pursuant to which they establish a partnership for life ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of their offspring.

In order to be married in the Church of Saint Pius X, one of the parties should be a registered parishioner. Exceptions can be made for former parishioners, persons who have family members who are parishioners and persons who have received Sacraments in our Parish.

  • Arrangements with our Parish should be made at least six months in advance and prior to making any arrangements for your reception.
  • Weddings are scheduled from Mondays to Fridays between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm and Saturdays between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, subject to other scheduled events.
  • Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with a priest to discuss details and specific preparation for this Sacrament. At this meeting, the priest will conduct a required assessment to confirm your freedom to enter into marriage within the Catholic Church. The questions will deal with such matters as previous marriages, age, maturity, knowledge about marriage, intentions, etc. Often couples of different faith backgrounds decide to marry. There should be time devoted to discussing how each partner will contribute to the spiritual growth of the other and any children who might be born in their marriage. In instances where one or both of the parties to be married is under the age of 21, there may be a need to interview a parent or guardian to corroborate the statements which were made regarding maturity and readiness for marriage. Once the priest determines that nothing made known to him would prevent the marriage from taking place within the Catholic Church, he will confirm a day and time for your wedding.
  • Since marriage is a step recognized both by the Church and the state, it necessarily involves the completion of a standard set of forms. Accordingly, if you are a Catholic, baptized or confirmed in a parish other than the Church of Saint Pius X, you must provide a recent baptismal certificate (dated no more than six months before the wedding is to take place) as well as First Communion and Confirmation certificates. All documents submitted will remain on file in the Parish Office as a permanent record. If you were baptized in a faith community other than Catholic, you will need a copy of your baptismal certificate. It will be returned to you after the appropriate information is recorded. Couples of different faith backgrounds need to apply to the Archdiocese of New York through the Parish for “permission for mixed marriage or dispensation from disparity of marriage” to celebrate a Catholic sacramental wedding. Lastly, the couple is responsible for obtaining a marriage certificate from the town clerk a few weeks before the wedding; such certificate must be given to the priest.
  • The Archdiocese of New York requires that you attend a marriage preparation program prior to your wedding.
  • Please contact the Parish Office for the name of our Director of Music Ministries who will be able to provide the music for your wedding. If you choose someone else, please have him/her contact the Parish Office to discuss the music and the Parish’s musical instruments. Fees for the service of the Director of Music Ministries and a cantor, if any, and offerings should be discussed with the Parish Office.
  • Usually a rehearsal is conducted the evening before the wedding. The time is set after consultation with the priest. It is the couple’s responsibility to ensure that no one in the wedding party has used alcohol before the rehearsal or the wedding.
  • Please request a booklet from the rectory – Church of Saint Pius X Wedding Policy Handbook – that contains more information regarding weddings as well as the policies and procedures observed at the Church of Saint Pius X.

Click here for the Sacrament Request Form.